Update on MoveUp Bargaing

MoveUP and the employer’s negotiator met yesterday in an attempt to restart negotiations. The employer appeared to indicate willingness to work on the key issue of a process for flexible work, but did not provide the details. Although the MoveUP committee was ready to stay at the table all day, the employer’s negotiator then broke off talks at 11 a.m., before the parties could work on language, and before there could be discussion of the plan for return to work. The employer’s negotiator said he did not have more time today.

Since then, Mr Bharadwa has issued a bulletin to employees suggesting there was agreement. As with bargaining bulletins Mr Bharadwa has sent over the past few months, MoveUP advises that this statement is not accurate. After the interrupted session yesterday, MoveUP is waiting for the employer to return to the table. Until then, the MoveUP negotiators cannot assess the sincerity of the employer’s statement that they are willing to negotiate a fair process for flexible work.

MoveUP is hopeful that the job action can end once it is clear that there is a real desire to work on the flexible work language and the plan for return to work. But we don’t know yet.

This sign that the administration may be willing to resolve the issue of flexible work is good news and is encouraging for our cause. After a month of refusals, this is clearly the result of the solidarity of staff and faculty. We are cautiously optimistic. However, since the administration broke off the talks to consider its position without setting a time to resume, it is apparent we need to maintain solidarity to motivate them to resume negotiations.

So please continue to come for your picketing shifts and post on social media. Continue to rally with each other in support of an agreement that's fair to our staff colleagues.

This is the moment when it is most important to hold the line.

Remember: We are Capilano University. We must stand together to make sure this is a great place to work and learn.

In solidarity,

Job Action Committee


Open Letter from Cap. U. Faculty Senators to President Paul Dangerfield


Picket Sign-in at Purcell Only