After 17 years David Kirk is leaving Capilano University

Dear Colleagues,

David Kirk has been a colleague and friend for many years. His contributions to the University are innumerable, and his value immeasurable.

David undertook many initiatives, frequently against considerable opposition, yet constantly delivered work of the highest quality. The Kéxwusm-áyakn is but the most visible of projects that would never have happened without David’s efforts.

David has worked tirelessly for Indigenous students, faculty, and, frankly, all of us throughout his time at Capilano University. He has enriched all of us through his contributions.

We understand David will be assuming a senior role elsewhere, and know he will bring his wisdom, compassion, and experience to that institution. We wish him the very best in his future endeavours, but recognize that Capilano University will be greatly diminished by his departure.

Thank you David.

In solidarity

Eduardo Azmitia

CFA President for the CFA Executive Team


Bargaining Bulletin #9


Climate Action Steering Committee Survey